summer learning

Summer 2024 - Elementary  Learning Program

*Please note - the i-Ready window closes on 8.7.24

While summer is a time outside of the classroom, research has proven that our students regress with no learning opportunities. This summer, we ask that during camping trips, outings to the beach, relaxing in the pool, or whatever you like to spend time doing - take some time each week to have your child brush up on their skills. In the fall, you will be surprised by how confident your child feels about returning to school as a learner. 

Below is a breakdown of our district expectations: 

ELA/English Language Arts



  • For PK-grade 1+, work on phonemic awareness with these fun games and lessons- click HERE

  • Rising grades 1-3, check out the Family Literacy Challenge

  • After August 7, 2024- i-Ready Learning Games

  • Join Storyshares for free ebooks


Students can choose various activities from the given WPS Summer Math Menu. Enjoy some time doing family activities (with and without a computer), all while keeping your math skills fresh!

Some of the activities include:

  • i-Ready MyPath & Learning Games

  • Games on the Go/Card Games

  • Online Fluency Practice

  • Family Board Game Night!

  • Math Outdoors

  • Math Podcasts

  • i-Ready Practice Sets

Please click on the Menu to see a variety of activities with links to explanations/directions to choose from. 

Parents/Guardians should initial the WPS Tracking Sheet for every 15-20 minute math activity your student completes.

How do students access i-Ready?

  • Students should be using their school department-issued device and signing in with their account. 

  • Access Clever & locate the iReady App

  • If a personal device is being utilized: Students can log into the Chrome browser with their email account to access all the steps above.

How do I track my Summer Learning participation?

  • Each student will receive WPS Summer Tracking Sheet (sample)

  • This tracker will be turned in to their math teacher in September 2024. 

  • Each school will determine the incentive! 

Who will be monitoring? 

  • The Curriculum Office will be monitoring summer learning progress from the end of June - August 7, 2024

  • If a child can’t access his/her i-Ready My Path (Personalized Learning), please email with the child’s name, grade level, and school. Please allow 24/48 hours for a turnaround response. 

Additional Resources