A big Thank You to all the families that came out to our Math Night at Hoxsie this evening!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
two students working with pattern blocks
two students working with math manipulatives
students help other students with pattern blocks
students cut out geometric shapes
Challenge accepted! Hoxsie is having an Attendance Contest starting next week and ending February vacation! Top 3 classrooms win a prize!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
attendance contest tally board
Kindergarten registration is open! Visit https://ri-warwick.myfollett.com/ to begin the process. Reach out to Mrs. Kadek or Central Registration with any questions. https://www.warwickschools.org/page/student-enrollment
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
Kindergarten registration flyer visit https://ri-warwick.myfollett.com to start registration process after january 17th
Kindergarten registration flyer visit https://ri-warwick.myfollett.com to start registration process after january 17th
Hoxsie School will be hosting a Family Math Night on Thursday 1/26 from 6:00-7:00 PM. Family Math Night is a time to complete fun math themed activities together and to receive important information about iReady Math scores. Please sign up using the google form below before Tuesday 1/24. We hope to see you there! https://forms.gle/AsQr7TN8prb86Y9h6
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
Hoxsie math night
Welcome back! New year, new trimester, new goals! Check out your January to-do list -- I bet you can already check off a few items :-) #newyear #newevents #morefun #moreinvolvement #moreengagement #goals #seeyouatthenextevent
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
"hello january" cell phone screen
A big Thank You, to our very wonderful PTO! They surprised staff with a very sweet treat this morning ☕️🍫
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
hot cocoa bomb in a plastic container
two parents with a cart full of cocoa bombs for staff
Tomorrow kicks off our mini Spirit Week and fundraiser for the Kue family. Wear your favorite hat! 🎩 👒🧢
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
show us your hat
Report cards will be available, in your family's Aspen portal, next Wednesday! Mrs. Kadek is ready to answer all of your questions and make sure you are able to view those reports with ease. See you this Friday night at the Winter Fest event!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
brace yourselves, report cards are coming
Congratulations to our 3rd and 4th grade students who completed several weeks of Taekwondo training and performed for staff, parents, and distinguished guests yesterday morning!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
two male students celebrating
female student demonstrating kick
'HOLIDAY SHOPPING AT HOXSIE : Dec. 12-14, 2022 Your child's class has been invited to holiday shop on a specific day, from December 12 - 14th. Can you ask your child (or his/her teacher) for their scheduled shopping day, and can you help remind them if they are interested in holiday shopping? Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Sandra Savella, Librarian
HOLIDAY TREE LIGHTING & MORE, Dec. 4, 5pm (food trucks 4pm-7:30 Join Mayor Picozzi and the Parks and Recreation Department for a night of family festivities to include: -Free Ice Skating (w/donation of nonperishable food) --Santa Visits --DJ --Caroling with Girls Scouts of RI --Ice Carving Demonstrations --Children’s Crafts and Activities --Costumed Characters --Synchronized Ice Skating Performance by the Superettes. Food trucks from 4:00pm to 7:30 pm.
about 2 years ago, Sandra Savella, Librarian
Holiday Tree Lighting at Thayer Arena, Dec 6
Our Title I Warwick Backpack Pantry Program has been selected to receive $1 from every 'Bloomin' 4 Good' bouquet sold during the month of December at the Stop & Shop on 2470 Warwick Avenue. Buy beautiful flowers for a great cause, spread the word!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
throughout the month of december support our school pantry purchase bloomin' for good at 2470 warwick ave stop n shop
Hoxsie School was on WPRI news with Hailey Miller earning a new book from our Book Vending machine. Congrats, Hailey & Hoxsie! Check out the video link: https://video.link/w/AEsEd
about 2 years ago, Sandra Savella, Librarian
Hoxsie School was on WPRI news with Hailey Miller earning a new book from our Book Vending machine. Congrats, Hailey & Hoxsie!
Hoxsie School was on WPRI news with Hailey Miller earning a new book from our Book Vending machine. Congrats, Hailey & Hoxsie!
Hoxsie's new Book Vending machine
Hoxsie School was on WPRI news with Hailey Miller earning a new book from our Book Vending machine. Congrats, Hailey & Hoxsie!
Wishing all of our staff, students, and families a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, laughter, and joy!
about 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
happy thanks giving day
This is a short week at Hoxsie School: MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving, Hoxsie Family.
about 2 years ago, Sandra Savella, Librarian
'PICTURE DAY' REMINDER: Tomorrow, November 22, is Picture Day at Hoxsie School. Bring your best smiles. ;-)
about 2 years ago, Sandra Savella, Librarian
Are you joining me NEXT WEEK for Operation Thankful? Please RSVP to let me know! A small act of kindness that will warm veteran hearts here in RI this December. https://forms.gle/gBq1dUH9tyoJtMEK7
over 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
operation thankful handmade holiday cards for local veterans wps admin building november 10th 5:30-7 PM
Have you registered for the Steamship Museum visit Saturday, November 12th? This family event is being offered at no cost for Title I families! Join us at the museum from 10-11:30 am, registration is required. Space is limited. Use this google form to register: https://forms.gle/CPXc1htGXScy3JWm7
over 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
join us saturday, november 12th enjoy a tour build a ship take home swag
Are you registered for Parenting Partners Wednesday nights? We start this week and would really like your voice as a part of the conversation. Come by Lippitt and discover why every parent loves this workshop! Reach out to Mrs. Kadek to RSVP. Childcare available if needed.
over 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement
join us wednesday evenings at lippitt school 6-7:30 pm
Your November Newsletter is here! Several events and important updates included. View the newsletter in the news section on your school website and mobile app!
over 2 years ago, Warwick Family Engagement